19 February 2009

Exhibition News

I've sold a piece of work

"Sky" - this is based on a photograph taken by me from an upstairs window, and yes the sky can really be those colours.

I went along today to see the red dot for myself (a friend had told me) but there was no red dot, just a very satisfying, and large SOLD. And yes, I did take a photograph of it.

I asked today about returning in the future, and I've been offered a slot in 2010, in fact the last available slot in 2010.

By the time I got home however, there was already an answer phone message - would I like to extend my exhibition, someone hasn't shown up with their work. So from 27th Feb until 27th March, a few selected pieces will move into the cafe itself. Talk about right places, right time... if I'd not bothered to stop and chat this morning.....

10 February 2009

My First Solo Exhibition

Well my very first solo exhibtion is up and running. It continues until 27th February 2009, (Monday-Saturday, 9.00am - 5.00pm). Its at The Mill Arts & Events Centre, Bellingham Lane, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 7ED.

Its been a long while coming, both on a personal level, and also from confirmation of acceptance. Going solo has its pros and cons. Yes there is only me to please, BUT... there is also only me to do all the work, and more importantly, no-one to say, "have you remembered" "have you thought of" "what about". However, experience of exhibitng with others, and the experience of being an Exhibition Co-ordinator for a big event.. and an ever handy notebook helps!

This actually brings me to the title of this blog, my Etsy shop and my Exhibition. On receiving the Contract for the exhibition, I had to insert a title... mhmmm, what was suitable? As I like fabrics, threads, and all things stitchy, but also have a reputation for using the unusual, such as acrylic tubes, or metal chain and of course paper features heavily in my work - what would cover all of that as a concept? Suddenly it hit me, all of my work is a Reaction to how I view the various materials. Fibre can just as easily be fabric as it can paper... and thus Fibre Reaction was born.

07 February 2009


Hello - my name is Beverley, as you might have gathered and this is a new creation for me.
The main purpose is to provide another means of access to the wider world, to view my art work.

It is my intention that this blog should provide background information, perhaps work in progress pictures, of work which I am making for exhibitions, or for my Etsy http://www.fibrereaction.etsy.com shop.

I don't want to bore you all with the trivia of my life, so its my intention to keep this blog purely based on my art.