23 June 2012

Lows and Highs

Well Friday was a day of might do, possibly, may be, lows and highs.  Poor old brain was all over the place.  It had been a bit of fractious week lots of flitting between tasks, and preceding weeks difficult.
The Essex Open result came back, and as half anticipated, no success.  Oh well, may be try again.... and back to the bragging and moaning rights of  "tsk, who on earth allowed that in, mine was soooo much better".
I don't post much personal stuff, as I'm sure people have their own life issues to deal with.  Friday finally saw Contracts exchanged on the sale of my mother's property.  Completion is next week.  Its a relief, but brings with it new challenges.  My mother's family are very longstanding in the town, and known to everyone, but my immediate connection is now at an end.  So a quick trip back to 'home' to finalise things, and to do my usual.  I always try to visit the fabric shop.... its been there years and is an old fashioned traditional fabric shop, no craft.  Managed to buy there what Hobbycraft didn't have on a visit earlier in the week.  But surprise surprise, literally 2/3 doors down is a new bead shop, so it was rude not to go in and visit!.  Its a shop which was on the main road from Ipswich to Norwich, and after briefly going mail order only, has re-opened in my home town.  Yeah...
It just proves things are fluid, people, places, change.  I've adjustments to make, not least not seeing my home town on a regular basis, but hopefully a couple more weeks and my brain will have a lot more room for the new stuff and a new phase in life.

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