20 March 2015

Inputting the Art Knowledge

Well I've been engaged in group artistry... three things in the space of eight days.

First of all went off to visit EAST's Exhibition 'Between the Lines'.  Him indoors came with me as he is a big fan of the group, so it ended up with being on for weeks and suddenly its go now or miss it.
Many will have seen at the Knitting & Stitching Show, its very poignant and thought provoking, more chances to see as it continues to tour.

Next the turn of my group activity.  The Material Girls meeting became a day long printing workshop, lead by our own highly knowledgeable Helen.
Very enjoyable to sit, chat, play, learn... errr and lunch.  Nice and relaxed and a lovely day.
Have to say I would have made more progress if I'd remembered my brain.... had a whole load of suitable fabric which I completely forgot I'd taken with me.  Guess a few more grey cells have dropped off!  Even worse, laying in bed mulling over the day and ting... I'd taken sari silk ribbon specifically to print on, forgot all about that as well.  Still the info learned means I can give it a go at home.
Visit The Girls blog by clicking above to see photos from the day.

Lastly another Saturday its my Embroiderers' Guild meeting.  A practical workshop taken by one of our own, and we were stitching on photographs/magazine pictures.  Beautiful samples we had to look at.  This is my afternoon's effort.... may need to click to see larger image
but I have actually stitched on photographs before.
This one I stitched the bottom to make it a night skyline, and added chiffon etc in the sky.
Funny how you forget, it must be around 15 years ago and I sold it as a postcard.
and have these all joined together, which have been sitting waiting for the next inspiration for some time, gosh, may be two years....
selected from this pile of photos which I've kept back for 'artist purposes'.

I do wonder how long our home made digital prints will last.  I always take a printed copy on proper photo paper, on a dedicated home photo printer, of each piece I've made and put it in my notebook.  However, I notice that some which are barely 14 months old are already changing colour...... makes me hesitant about using in art which the public may buy.

Oh and in the midst of all that an exhibiting opportunity.  Got to think it over for all sorts of reasons, but time yet before application deadline.

1 comment:

chocolatefrog said...

Love love love your new stitching on photos - more please!