01 July 2015

Halfway Through - What's To Come?

So did you miss seeing something then?   No Sunday Share this past week, too busy with other stuff.  Time that would have upset me, as I've missed  the consistency since November, but so what, sky won't fall in.  Leave you guessing re this week.....

So we are now half way through the year, and let's catch up, because June turned into a mad month.  My textile life is always, all or nothing.

I have FOUR possible deadlines/events/exhibitions, they are:

~ an art trail which I've been in since its inception, hopefully will hear back on that one soon.

~ an open exhibition.  I've been in that one twice before, but not for many years, so won't be surprised if it comes to nothing. Its a selected event, and I should know by the weekend the result.

~ a new to me event.  Keeping it secret for the moment, not because I don't want to share success or failures, but just getting myself used to the idea of what I've applied for, its a big thing for me, its very much in my comfort zone, and very much out of it - although its local in location and doesn't happen til November, but the yes/no will come in a couple of weeks.

~ another selected exhibition.  I've already given my intent submission, but exactly how many pieces, and what, is pending, but the deadline for submission proper isn't until early 2016.

Alongside of which is the continued work necessary as a member of The Material Girls - click and make a note of the address, to keep checking back, to see teasers of our forthcoming body of work.
I have work to do for the next branch meeting of the Embroiderers' Guild - we are having a skill learning afternoon, the Members have requested crochet, so I will show them the how to - and yes, knowing me, there is some, somewhere made from wire and paper pulp.

This weekend I'm off to the Guild Regional Day - not been in years - but couldn't pass up seeing Ruth Issett.

For my non Facebook friends, and because its well reported you get more feedback if there's a cute animal pic, rather than serious darhlink artwork, you can have a pic of Bandit.

Came in last night covered in motor oil.  Washed as best we could and fitted a collar.  He's gone to the vets today, had to be washed more, some fur clipped away.  Skin has been irritated, as I write waiting on blood tests to see if any internal problems.  We found a dead starling on the patio soaked in oil, guessing, it got caught up and Bandit saw it flapping and dived in.  This cat, we need a revolving door on the vets for - he's a local hoodlum, always getting into some kind of mischief, and he's not even two yet.

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