Apologies a whole month has raced by. Little art work has been done because of the domestic situation, but good news DH starts back to work (restricted hours at first) this week. Unfortunately I've had 3 family bereavements in as many weeks, so time/focus is consumed elsewhere.
The good news however is that I am in the
Essex Summer of Art brochure, along with
Juliet I'm actually in it twice - well, once and smidge!!! On the Rochford Art Trail page there's a picture of my work, different from the one used on the website. And on the Burnham Art Trail page, the work the children are looking at is mine.
On the 24th April I attended the
ERTF Conference - Juliet gave a talk under the Members Spotlight section, which went really well considering she suddenly had to cope with being pushed up the agenda. The Conference was primarily about Fashion, but even as someone who is not a fashionista I thought there were plenty of anecdotes, hints and tips to be universally applied to textile art. I'm looking forward to the next Conference in November, "Concepts and Meanings" - considering my book purchase at this conference was "Signs, Symbols & Ciphers" - I think it will be just what I want. Its in the diary, I've booked the car (we only have the one, so I'm in first!).
Hopfully when I next blog there might be pics of work actually made.... a huge list of ideas waiting to be implemented.