Once again its been a while since I’ve posted.
However I have been busy with art work.
Having agreed to go on the Working Party for the local
Art Trail, I found myself occupied with tasks, from meetings to phone calls, to
writing documents.
The Trail itself was very well received in the town.
Here’s my window....
Next came making sure work was ready for The MaterialGirls Exhibition at Craft Arena. The Exhibition was entitled “Patterns of
Inspiration” - with design work inspired by the art collections of Anthony
The work will be on display again, in a further and
fuller Exhibition at Rainham Hall, Essex in February 2020.
My books on right
The theme has already been set for the next body of work
by The Material Girls, so its research time.
I have one more event for the Girls.... as I will be one
of the Members giving a talk to a local Embroiderers’ Guild in December.
And lastly I was sent the opportunity to alter a page of
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte.
This I duly did and as I write all the pages are being photographed for
a book. All the work is going on
Exhibition in January in Scarborough.
You can see details here.

On top of all of this I discovered that I am not well,
the exhaustion I was suffering from was not merely because I lack sleep. It should be corrected by meds, but it will
be a few months before its better.
I decided not to be involved with any more art trail
organising, as always with these things a lot gets left to few volunteers, and
I ended up with more tasks than I was willing to do.
I do not find it easy dealing with councils
who seems to conspire to make the simple extraordinarily difficult, some double standards, and unbelievably slow to decide anything and ignorant on basic info they should have at fingertips.
Plus next
year, if it happens, it is also likely to have deadlines around a time when I
don’t want any outside tasks.
Not feeling on top form either, its time to have a
So it might be five minutes before I check in - or five months, we will all get a surprise - including me!
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