03 August 2011

The Material/Abstract Artist - Moi!!

Just to prove that I do actually stitch, sometimes.... and to prove that yes I can also stitch by hand!!  This was started yeserday at the stitchy meeting I go to once a month.  No idea what is is, or where its going, just me, being a Material Artist.  Thank you so much Jae Maries for this section in your book, Contrasting Elements.  In the past I'd felt such a failure because I often don't have pages of drawings, or artwork, of the gorgeous sketchbook kind.  I do get a very clear vision of what I want, but can't express it, except by just getting on and doing it.  I also fall into the Abstract Artist category.  I had hang ups about not being a 'proper artist' because I don't work in this way so many people coo over.  As I've shown you in the past, my sketchbook is wordy, and technical, full of measurements etc. But this one page describing the various types of artist was like a breath of fresh air.  No one can help but work the way it feels natural to them - but as I've said before on the blog, I've come across some sniffy attitudes because I don't do realism, or don't have pages of gorgeousness (Its absolutely not that I don't like or admire, but for me its like pushing a snowball uphill).  My imagination/vision is almost like a photo, I can see everything, all the detail.  I've just spent past few days mentally working out how to hang a piece of work.  Its been looked at and examined and revised, all in my head.  I'm going to actually make a little physical test sample, but its not stage 1, because of all the thought processes.  The above piece is.... of course... all papers, and something else I'm noticing, by chance - lines.  Mhmmmm, note to self, 'do you realise how often lines appear in your work'.  Do you think I could make my USP (unique selling point) - Lines on Paper?  Doesn't sound very exciting does it and reminds of school and the endless, "I must behave in class"   shudder....


chocolatefrog said...

Exciting piece, can't wait to see where it takes you next! Stitch on paper looks wonderful, such a strong contrast compared to fabric. Keep on doing it your own way - it works, end of.

Diane Kelsey said...

Follow your own methods to design and make! Who says we have to follow rules?

Gina said...

I think the important thing is to be true to yourself. I rather like your lines on paper!